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Master Set

Every single track in our library

Sample: Abide with me
Hear samples of any of the tracks from the library page, by clicking through from there to the relevant album page.

Every single track from our library, including over 3,000 hymn accompaniment, worship song accompaniment, voluntaries and service accompaniment tracks, available as MP3s to download, on a memory stick, or as CDs.

The MP3 sets have a lot going for them: once the files are in place you can search for an accompaniment by the name of the hymn, the tune or the number in the A&M book (hymn numbers apply to the Ultimate Collection tracks only). Another great benefit is that you can set up a playlist for a particular service or event, putting the tracks you need on the day at your fingertips.

The Master Set as MP3s takes up around 15.8 Gb. Note that if purchased as a download you will need to have at least twice this disk space free, as the downloads come in ZIP files.

As this set would now contain over 140 CDs, we can no longer offer it as a CD set.

Already got a Master Set? Check out the Upgrade Service for a cheap and easy way to get up to date.

Click on the appropriate section below to choose download, memory stick, or preloaded iPad:

Label Text

We have indexes cross-referencing the Master Set against a number of hymn books:

Ancient & Modern New Standard - Index of numbers in hymn book - 597 hymn/tune combinations covered

Episcopal Hymnal 1982
Index of the numbers in the hymn book, kindly provided by Jeanette Messer

New English Hymnal
Index of the numbers in the hymn book - 499 hymn/tune combinations covered

Hymns and Songs included

Includes all tracks listed on the All Tracks library page.

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