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Cathedral Set

Hymnal extras

Sample: Abide with me
Stacks Image 128004

The beginnings of a new set featuring tracks from the Revised English Hymnal that we have not recorded before - so far includes 43 tracks. Scroll down for full list of tracks. If you are looking for every track in our library, see the Master Set.

The MP3 set is compact and cost effective: once the files are in place on a computer or iPod/MP3 player you can search for an accompaniment by the name of the hymn, the tune or the number in the book. Particularly useful is the ability to set up a playlist for a particular service or event, putting the tracks you need on the day at your fingertips.

If you already have some of the tracks for this hymn book, please drop us an email at info@cul.co.uk to get a quote to update to the full set (note - MP3 only).

There are no voices on these recordings, just a playover and the accompaniment.

Ancient & Modern and The Revised English Hymnal are published by Hymns Ancient and Modern Ltd. For more information or to purchase material from their range of hymnals, please visit: www.hymnsam.co.uk Hymns Ancient and Modern is a registered trademark. All hymn numbers used by permission of Hymns Ancient and Modern. rights@hymnsam.co.uk

Click on the appropriate section below to choose download or more.

Hymns included

Track list

REH31 - Behold the great Creator makes: This Endrys Night (5)
REH32 - Born in the Night, Mary’s Child: Mary’s Child (4)
REH41 - Adeste fideles: Adeste fideles (4) (All in Latin)
REH63 - Behold a little Child: Wesley (4)
REH66 - Among Earth’s Multitude of Lights: Puer natus in Bethlehem (4)
REH78 - Alleluya, Song of Sweetness: Tantum Ergo (Webbe) (4)
REH79 Tune 1 - Again we keep this solemn Fast: (i) Ex More docti (6)
REH79 Tune 2 - Again we keep this solemn Fast: (ii) Jesu Corona (6)
REH82 Tune 2 - Ah, holy Jesu, how hast Thou offended: (ii) Herzliebster Jesu (5) Alternative Version
REH83 - All ye who seek a Comfort sure: St Bernard (5)
REH180 Tune 1 - A mighty Wind invades the World: (i) Church triumphant (4)
REH180 Tune 2 - A mighty Wind invades the World: (ii) Deo gracias (4)
REH190 - All hail, adored Trinity: Illsley (3)
REH204 Tune 1 - A heavenly Splendour from on high: (i) Splendor coelestis (6)
REH204 Tune 2 - A heavenly Splendour from on high: (ii) St Petersburg (6)
REH215 - Blessed Joseph, yours the Praise: Warton (5)
REH226 - Bless the Lord, the God of Israel: Bethany (Smart) (4)
REH232 - Blessed Thomas, doubt no longer: St Audrey (6)
REH247 - Around the Throne of God a Band: Solothurn (4)
REH269 - Blessed city, heavenly Salem: Urbs beata (Office Hymn) (5)
REH288 - Captains of the saintly Band: Harts (6)
REH297 - Blessed Feasts of blessed Martyrs: In Babilone (3)
REH301 - As we remember, Lord, Thy faithful Handmaid: Ut queant laxis (Christe Fons Iugis) (5)
REH314 - Another Year completed: Tewkesbury Abbey (4)
REH330 Tune 1 - As now the Sun’s declining Rays: (i) Jesu nostra Redemptio (3)
REH332 - Before the Ending of the Day: Te lucis ante terminum (Compline Office Hymn) (3)
REH338 - Blest be the God of Israel: Ladywell (3)
REH370 - Author of Life divine: Lovely (Rhosymedre) (2)
REH372 Tune 1 - Bless to me O Lord: Tyllgoed (6)
REH372 Tune 2 - Bless to me O Lord: Alkham Valley (6)
REH411 - Baptised in Water: Bunessan (3)
REH423 Tune 1 - Brief Life is here our Portion: Devonshire (6)
REH423 Tune 2 - Brief Life is here our Portion: St Alphege (6)
REH428 Tune 2 - All my Hope on God is founded: (ii) Michael (5) Harmony Version
REH429 - All my Need is met in Jesus: Llwynbedw (3) Words also in Welsh as Iesu, Iesu, ‘rwyt ti’n ddigon
REH430 - All People that on Earth do dwell: (ii) Old Hundredth (5) Including alternative version in verse 4
REH435 - And didst Thou travel light, dear Lord: Hucklebridge (3)
REH437 - As I am, O Lord, receive me: Bryn Calfaria (4) Words also in Welsh as Cymer, Iesu, fi, fel ‘rydwyf
REH445 - Bright the Vision that delighted: Redhead no. 46 (6)
REH447 Tune 1 - Children of the heavenly King: Melling (4)
REH447 Tune 2 - Children of the heavenly King: Court Way (4)
REH478 - Arglwydd, arwain trwy’r anialwch: Cwm Rhondda (3)
REH608 - By gracious Powers, so wonderfully sheltered: Intercessor (4)

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